Michael Nyman Band - Credit ©ADeniau2012 Music and Film.jpg

Michael Nyman

A series of close collaborations to promote Michael Nyman’s work in Mexico (2014-2015), that form part of Botánica de Proyectos’ history.

Services: Public Relations and Cultural Marketing

Michael Nyman, one of Britain’s most celebrated music composers, presented in Mexico City the works: ‘Nyman with a Movie Camera’ (Zona Maco 2014), a multi-screen installation of eleven video projections and ‘War Work: 8 Songs with Films’ (Fonoteca Nacional y Auditorio Blackberry 2015) his latest film and music piece at the time.

Both events where promoted by Mariela Velasco in close collaboration with Michael Nyman’s team, through a series of press and digital marketing strategies addressing the Mexican art community and a broader audience willing to enjoy experimental documentary filmmaking and fine orchestral concertos.


Celina Padilla


Raidance Film Festival