An Island in the Continent
An Island in the Continent
Mexico, 2019. 69 mins
Director Juan Pablo Miquirray
A trip along the 1,300 km long Peninsula of Baja California in Mexico, in which we discover a mythological and magical land, with its own time and characters. In this film the past and the present are interwind to create a beautiful and unique symphony of the nature, the history and people of the Baja. This amazing territory faces a great environmental challenge due the open mining pits and the massive tourism develops, the defining time to determine the destiny of the Baja California Peninsula, has come.
After the trip a reflection emerges: Is our civilization at the limit of the existence? Will we be able to live in harmony with nature?
Tour Cinema Planeta
Outdoor Screenings
Sunday 08 May 20:00 hrs.
Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario la Huizachera
Av. de Solidaridad #239
Huizachera, Yautepec de Zaragoza
Morelos, C.P. 62733
Film Club Screenings
Wednesday 04 May, 10:00 Hrs.
Escuela Secundaria Federal «Tlacaelel”
Colonia centro, Coatlán del Río
Friday 06 May, 19:00 Hrs.
Escuela de Estudios Superiores de Jonacatepec – Eesj Uaem
Subsede Axochiapan: San Pablo s/n, Axochiapan Morelos C.P. 62950
Tuesday 19 April, 19:00 Hrs
Calle Agustín Cazares S/N Barrio Tepexi, Ocuituco, Morelos.C.P. 62850
Friday 22 April, 18:00 Hrs.
Centro Cultural Huitzil Azul
Calle Emiliano Zapata #3 Acatlipa Centro C.P. 62586
Thursday 05 May, 17:00 Hrs.
Cineclub, Museo de la Revolución del Sur
Ex Cuartel Zapata
Calle Vicente Guerrero # 2 Col. Centro de Tlaltizapán, Morelos. C.P. 62770
Wednesday 04 May, 19:30 Hrs.
Escaleras col. Tetillas. Emiliano Zapata esquina Joaquín Amaro s/n, Tetillas, Yautepec, Morelos. C.P. 62735
Friday 13 May, 20:00 Hrs.
Estancia Vieja, Esquina Amor Chiquito, Barrio de San Andrés,
Hueyapan; Morelos. C.P. 62813
Sunday 01 May, 19:00 Hrs.
Cineclub Casa de la Cultura de Atlatlahucan
Calvario S/N Barrio San Mateo, Atlatlahucan, Morelos. C.P. 62840
Thursday 12 May, 18:00 Hrs.
Cineclub Huitzilac – Tres Marías
Casa de Cultura
Carretera Federal México-Cuernavaca km 4.1
Morelos. C. P: 62515